With international travel expanding to include regions and countries otherwise overlooked in previous years, tourism jobs abroad can stretch to all corners of the world.
Europe is one of the most highly-visited continents by travelers throughout the world. These countries have been popular for centuries, making a culture of tourism deeply rooted in European societies. Destinations such as France, Italy, and Spain are especially popular, and the tourism industries there are concentrated on the historical and cultural traditions of each country.
Australia and New Zealand have been experiencing an increase in tourism in recent years. From the coasts, to the mountains, to bustling cities, these countries are prime locations for those looking to explore beyond the well-worn path of Europe’s historical landmarks. Tourists in Australia and New Zealand are typically younger, making for a very vibrant and energetic travel culture that can be exciting to work in.
South America and Central America, with their indigenous and Hispanic cultures, ancient ruins, and delicious food, have been making a name for themselves in the tourism industry. Ecotourism has boomed in certain countries, such as Costa Rica, shifting travelers’ exploration to an emphasis on rainforests and beaches, and emphasizing an appreciation for natural wonders.